Kontakt.io integration reference
HL7 Scheduling Information Unsolicited (SIU) messages are used to exchange patient appointment schedule information between clinical and administrative systems.
Typically, HL7 SIU messages are generated by the hospital scheduling system and sent to a clinic or physician practice to request, reschedule, cancel or update outpatient services and provide updated patient medical record information.
There are 14 different trigger events for a SIU message, each sharing the same message format.
Trigger Event |
Description |
SIU^S12 |
New appointment booking |
SIU^S13 |
Appointment rescheduling |
SIU^S14 |
Appointment modification |
SIU^S15 |
Appointment cancellation |
SIU^S16 |
Appointment discontinuation |
SIU^S17 |
Appointment deletion |
SIU^S18 |
Addition of service/resource on appointment |
SIU^S19 |
Modification of service/resource on appointment |
SIU^S20 |
Cancellation of service/resource on appointment |
SIU^S21 |
Discontinuation of service/resource on appointment |
SIU^S22 |
Deletion of service/resource on appointment |
SIU^S23 |
Blocked schedule timeslot(s) |
SIU^S24 |
Opened (“un-blocked”) schedule time slot(s) |
SIU^S26 |
Patient did not show up for scheduled appointment |
Below is a sample of an HL7 version 2.4 SIU^S12 message.
MSH|^~\&|SendingApp|SendingFac|ReceivingApp|ReceivingFac|20110613061611||SIU^S12|123456789|P|2.3|||||| SCH|12345^12345|2196178^2196178|||12345|OFFICE^Office visit|reason for the appointment|OFFICE|60|m|^^60^20110617084500^20110617093000|||||9^DENT^ARTHUR^||||9^DENT^COREY^|||||Scheduled PID|1||42||Doe^John||19781012|M|||123 Broadway St^^Anytown^IN^12345||(555)555-1234|||S||999999999||||||||||||||||||||| PV1|1|O|||||1^Smith^Miranda^A^MD^^^^|2^Withers^Peter^D^MD^^^^||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99158|| RGS|1|A AIG|1|A|1^White, Charles|D^^ AIL|1|A|OFFICE^^^OFFICE|^Main Office||20110614084500|||45|m^Minutes||Scheduled AIP|1|A|1^White^Charles^A^MD^^^^|D^White, Douglas||20110614084500|||45|m^Minutes||Scheduled
In this sample SIU^S12 message:
Segment |
Description |
Occurrence |
Message Header Contains information about the sending system and location, the receiving system and location, the date and time of when the message was created, the type of trigger event being communicated, and the HL7 message version being used. |
1 |
Schedule Activity Information Contains general information about the scheduled appointment. |
1 |
Patient Identification Important patient identification information, including patient demographics. |
1 |
PV1 |
Patient Visit Contains information about patient visit details such as servicing facility, attending doctor, and visit ID. |
0-1 |
Resource Group Identifies relationships between resources required for a scheduled event. This can include groups of resources that are used together in an event or to describe some other relationship between resources. Each group of RGS segments are followed by Appointment Information Segments. Every SIU message requires at least one RGS segment. |
1 |
Appointment Information - General Resource Captures information about various kinds of resources that require scheduling through a schedule filler application. For example, required equipment would be identified with an identification code. |
1 |
Appointment Information - Location Captures information about location resources that require scheduling through a schedule filler application, such as meeting, operating and examination rooms, or other locations. |
1 |
Appointment Information - Personnel Resource Captures information about the healthcare personnel resources which require scheduling on a schedule filler application. This includes any type of healthcare provider at the institution, such as technicians, physicians, nurses, surgeons, anesthesiologists, etc. |
0-n |
Occurrence column indicates the possible number of times a segment may appear within a single message.
1 = must occur exactly once in the message
0-n = may occur zero or more times within the message
0-1 = may occur zero or one time within the message
For more information on implementing various HL7 message types, refer to the HL7 Messaging Standard Implementation Guides corresponding to your required version.