Kontakt.io Plugin + Cisco Spaces
This guide provides the step-by-step instructions to get Portal Beam room occupancy and environmental outcomes in Cisco Spaces. Deployment includes activating the Kontakt.io Plugins within Cisco Spaces, mounting the Portal Beams, and associating the Portal Beams to their locations in the Cisco Spaces: Space Manager app. Once deployment is complete, you can view the outcomes from your Cisco Spaces Rich Maps.
Topics include:
Before you begin your deployment, the following prerequisites must be met.
Cisco Spaces account setup is complete with a license that enables IoT Wireless Services.
Cisco Spaces: IoT Services (Wireless) prerequisites are met.
This includes controllers added and active, Access Points connected and added to Maps, IoT Manage Streams enabled, and Access Points synchronized.
Refer to the IoT Services Configuration Guide (Wireless) for complete details and instructions.
Cisco Spaces Location Hierarchy is configured and 3D Rich Maps are created.
Log in to your Cisco Spaces account.
From the left-menu, go to IoT Services > Device Management.
Select Onboard Devices > Floor Beacons > Next.
Enter your Kontakt.io Order ID (it's case sensitive) > and select Add to Inventory.
Verify the Kontakt.io devices were successfully claimed. Ffom Device Management, go the Devices tab > Floor Beacons > Claimed Devices > verify the devices are listed.
Kontakt.io IoT devices are identified as Floor Beacons.
Contact your Cisco Spaces Account Manager to complete this task.
Pending: Kontakt.io Plugin availability within Cisco Spaces Integrations menu.
This step allows you to use Kontakt.io's Kio Setup Manager mobile app to complete the setup of your Portal Beams. The plugin only applies to Kontakt.io Portal Beams claimed within Cisco Spaces.
Log in to your Cisco Spaces account.
From your Cisco Spaces account, go to IoT Services > Device Management.
From the top menu, select Devices > select the Mac Address of a device > from the Beacon Configuration section, select Advance Configuration > select Confirm.
From the Server API Key section, select Copy to clipboard. You'll need this API Key in the next step.
From a web browser, go to the below URL specific to your Cisco Spaces account region. If you're not already signed in to Cisco Spaces, you'll be prompted to sign in.
United States region: https://plugin-app.cloud.us.kontakt.io/device-management/
Europe region: https://plugin-app.cloud.uk.kontakt.io/device-management/
From the Add Devices menu, select Device Federation.
Paste the Cisco Spaces Device Manager Server Key into the below field.
To confirm the plugin activation, from the Inventory menu, select Infrastructure > verify the Portal Beams are listed.
Be sure to bookmark your region's Kontakt.io Device Management Plugin URL.
Once the Portal Beams are mounted and setup, you can view and manage their settings from this plugin and view the last thermal image captured and shared from the Kio Setup Manager mobile app.
Before you begin, review the Portal Beam placement and coverage area guidelines and ceiling mount instructions.
Write down the Portal Beam's MAC address printed on its underside. You will need this during the next step.
Turn on the Portal Beam > from its underside, move its battery switch to the ON position.
Mount the Portal Beam to the ceiling.
Using Kontakt.io's Kio Setup Manager mobile app, you will capture the Portal Beam's real-time thermal image, This image displays a heatmap of the objects within its field of view, allowing you to verify detected people and set Exclusion Zones
Exclusion Zones are user-defined areas within the Portal Beam's field of view that are ignored by the Kontakt.io Occupancy Engine. These zones can include non-human, stationary objects with high background temperatures, such as TVs, light fixtures, windows, or other electrical equipment. Additionally, a zone can be a specific area within a large room where occupancy detection is not required.
Download the Kio Setup Manager mobile app. If you already have the app, be sure to check for updates.
To download the app, go to the App Store or Google Play. Search for Kio Setup Manager
From your mobile device, open the Kio Setup Manager > from the Sign in Method options, tap Cisco Spaces Account.
Select the Region of your Cisco Spaces account.
United States (default)
Europe (EU)
Log in with your Cisco Spaces account credentials > select the account.
From the list of Nearby Devices, locate the Portal Beam by its MAC address.
Tap the Portal Beam to view its details.
(Optional) To verify the Portal Beam selected, tap Flash LED. From its front-side, a BLUE colored LED flashes briefly.
It's recommended to apply available firmware updates. Be sure allow a firmware update to complete before proceeding to the next step.
Android: from the bottom section of its profile, if a Firmware Update button is displayed, tap this now to apply to the firmware update.
iOS: from the top section of its profile, review the Pending Operation section. If Update to Firmware is displayed, tap this now to apply the firmware update.
From its Troubleshooting section, tap Verify Thermal Camera > tap Capture Image.
From the captured image's heatmap, verify the objects detected.
If there are any non-human, stationary hot objects detected or areas you want to exclude from occupancy detection, you can configure these as exclusion zones. It's recommended to set windows as exclusion zones, especially when direct sunlight enters the area through a window.
From the top section of the image, tap the cloud icon.
The image is uploaded to the Portal Beam's Occupancy settings within the Kontakt.io Device Management Plugin. This image is a helpful troubleshooting resource.
This step results visually experiencing the Portal Beam's real-time room occupancy and environmental data from your Rich Maps.
From your Cisco Spaces Home page, navigate to the Space Manager app.
Go to Space Management > locate and select the workspace where the Portal Beam is installed.
From the workspace profile, go to the IoT sensors section, select Add Devices.
From the Service Type, select BLE.
From the list, select the Portal Beam > select Next to associate the beam to the workspace.
As the final deployment step, we recommend validating the Portal Beam outcomes from your Rich Maps. You'll complete this at the room location where the Portal Beam is mounted and will require two people.
From your Cisco Spaces home page, select Location & Maps > Rich Maps > perform the below steps to validate the real-time outcomes.