Room Matching is an important shared component of the Kio Apps that is required for automated room-level statuses, PAR level rules, and room type analytics.
Topics include:
You must be assigned to the Company Settings Administrator role.
Room Matching uses the rooms mapped in Kio Cloud Smart Location.
A room can only be matched to one Room Type.
Room Matching is only managed in Company Settings but can be viewed from the Kio Apps.
Automated room-level statuses and PAR level rules are set in Room Types from their Entity Type Rules. Once a room is matched to a Room Type, the rules are applied to the room.
The Workplace Type, Capacity, and Occupancy Counting Mode are the Workspace settings configured in Room Types. These settings only apply to the Kio Workspace Insights app.
From your Launchpad, select Company Settings.
From the Room Management menu, select Room Matching.
Select a Location (A) to view rooms. To view only rooms that are not matched, select Not Matched rooms only (B).
A list of all Smart Location rooms is displayed. When you need to find a specific room, you can search by the room name or set a column filter to limit the rooms displayed.
You can match a single room or multiple rooms at one time. To select a room, click on the checkbox next to its name (A)
Single room: select the room, select the ASSIGN ROOM TYPE.
Multiple rooms: from the list, select each of the rooms > select ASSIGN ROOM TYPE BULK.
From the Assign Room Type, > select a type > select Assign.
Occupancy Method is only required for use with the Kio Workspace Insights app.