The Kio Cloud Company Settings app is a central place to manage the shared components of's Kio Apps. These components — Entity Types, Entities, Room Types, Room Matching, and Webhooks — are highlighted in the image below and described throughout this article. Some of the Kio App components — including Alert Rules, Groups, and app-specific settings — are managed separately within each app.
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Topics include:
Entity Management consists of two shared components - Entity Types and Entities.
Entity Types provide a method to categorize entities (assets and people) that share common characteristics. In addition, Entity Types are how entities (assets and people) are shared with one or multiple Kio Apps. This sharing is beneficial when you have multiple Kio Apps.
Things to know:
Each Entity Type is assigned to a profile type - identifies the types of entities within the Kio Apps including mobile assets, static assets, or people.
Each Entity Type can be shared with one or multiple Kio Apps (Associated Apps) - results in their assigned entities being available in each associated app.
Each Entity Type is set with system icon and color - provides a visual identifier within the maps and views within the Kio Apps.
Entity Types are assigned to Room Management rules and can be assigned to Alert Rules within the Kio Apps.
Entities are the single objects, an asset or a person, within the Kio Apps.
Things to know:
An Entity is created for each asset or person.
An Entity is created for each hand hygiene dispenser unit (static asset) for use within the Hand Hygiene app.
Each Entity is required to be assigned to an Entity Type.
Entities can only be deleted from Company Settings.
Room Management consists of two shared components - Room Types and Room Matching. Unique to these components, they are only managed from Company Settings and with limited view-only access in the Kio Apps.
Room Types are a method to categorize the physical spaces or areas that share common characteristics and is where Entity Type Rules are managed for each Room Type.
Learn how to create and manage RoomTypes.
Through Room Types, you can achieve the following:
Set rules to automate entity statuses by their room-level location
From Entity Type Status Rules, you can set the system to automate the status of entities (asset and people) by their room-level locations. When an entity (asset or person) enters a room matched to a Room Type with an Entity Type Status rule, the system automatically sets the entity's status.
Set PAR level rules
From Entity Type Status Rules, you can set PAR level rules to monitor either shortage or overage inventory levels.
This rule only applies to Entity Types associated with the IV Pump and Wheelchair Manager apps.
Set occupancy rules for the Kio Workspace Insights app
From the Workspace settings, you can set the Max Capacity, Target Occupancy, and the Workplace Type (Collaboration or Concentration) that used by the Kio Workspace Insights app.
Assign Room Types to Kio Apps Alert Rules
From the Kio Apps Alert Rules, you can activate alerts for specific events by Room Type. For example, when unauthorized people access a restricted room, assets enter or exit a designated area, or when PAR levels have reached a critical or warning level.
To apply the Room Type rules to your mapped rooms within Kio Cloud Smart Location, each room must be matched to its corresponding Room Type. Once a room is matched to its Room Type, the its inherits the rules defined in the Room Type.
Webhooks provide a one-way integration of Kio App alerts with a third-party system. Once created in Company Settings, Webhooks are assigned to Alert Rules within the Kio Apps. When a new alert is activated, the assigned Webhook immediately sends the alert's payload data to the designated third-party system.
Thee Kio Cloud Entity Manager and its mobile app are companion apps to Company Settings. These apps have limited features designed for those only responsible for managing asset or people entities and assigning Tags to asset or people entities.
Add and manage people entities - from the web app only
Assign badges to people - from either the web and mobile app
Add and manage asset entities - from the web app only
Assign tags to assets (tagging assets) - from either the web and mobile app
For those that require access to Company Settings, they must to be assigned to a Company Settings role. There are two rolles, the Administrator role that has full permissions and the User role that has limited permissions to only Webhooks. Users and their assigned roles are managed from the Kio Cloud Users app.