This article provides instructions on how to update the Wi-Fi network settings for Portal Lights. Typically, an update is necessary when there is a change to the Wi-Fi network or when the currently configured Wi-Fi settings are incorrect.
For Enterprise Wi-Fi networks (TLS/TTLS/PEAP), submit a request to our support team. They will provide assistance to update the network settings.
Topics include:
The following table details the three methods available to update Portal Light network settings.
When the... |
Method to use... |
Current Wi-Fi network Portal Lights connect to is online and you only need to change the network they connect to. |
Current Wi-Fi network is not available or incorrect and there are multiple Portal Lights to update. |
Current Wi-Fi configured network is not available or incorrect and there only a few Portal Lights to update. |
Managing and viewing Portal Lights, both from Kio Cloud Device Management and the Kio Setup Manager app, is limited to the Kio Cloud account owner; all other account users do not have access to Portal Lights.
If you are updating a handful to hundreds of Portal Lights, you can update multiple Portal Lights at the same time.
The Portal Light's current configured Wi-Fi network must be online to allow it to connect to the network and synchronize with Kio Cloud to receive the updated settings.
Sign in to Kio Cloud > select Device Management 2.0 > select Infrastructure.
From the list, select the Portal Light requiring an update.
From its profile, select the Wi-Fi Connectivity tab and enter its updated WiFi Settings > select Save.
WiFi Network SSID: this is case sensitive
WiFi User Name: only when applicable and required to connect to network.
WiFi Password: passphrase (network password); case sensitive
Now, you'll need to monitor its connectivity to the updated network.
After a few minutes, verify that the Portal Light has an Online status. You may need to refresh your browser to view the latest status.
If you are onsite, when the Portal Light LED status indicator is GREEN this indicates it has successfully connected the Wi-Fi network.
If after 5 minutes, the Portal Light LED indicator is not GREEN, refer to the articles below and verify the Portal Light network requirements are met to allow its connection to Kio Cloud and an NTP time source.
This method requires you to be onsite and have access to each of the Portal Lights requiring the Wi-Fi setting update. During this method, the Portal Lights connect to the factory default network to synchronize and receive the Wi-Fi settings updates from Kio Cloud. Once synchronized, the Portal Lights connect to the updated network.
You have your Kio Cloud username (email) and password.
Mobile Wi-Fi hotspot (recommended) or Wi-Fi Access Point with administrator permissions.
Smartphone or tablet with an internet connection and Bluetooth is enabled/ON.
Kio Setup Manager app download on your smartphone or tablet.
To download the app, go to the App Store or Google Play. Search for Kio Setup Manager . Already have the app? Be sure you have the latest version.
First, you'll configure your mobile device's Wi-Fi Hotspot or Wi-Fi Access Point with the default network.
This step provides the network connection required to allow the Portal Lights to download the updated Wi-Fi network settings from Kio Cloud.
Add the below network to your mobile Wi-Fi hotspot or Access Point.
SSID: kontaktDeployment
Password: LTPGjjwp256
Network security: WPA, WPA2-PSK, WEP
Wi-Fi Frequency: Portal Light model 2.4 GHz, Portal Light 2 models: supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Portal Light model: if its LED status indicator remains RED, this indicates it could not connect to the kontaktDeployment network. Please verify the settings are correct and that it's set to a 2.4 GHz network.
Sign in to Kio Cloud > select Device Management 2.0 > select Infrastructure.
Complete the following steps for each Portal Light you are updating.
If you are updating a handful to hundreds of Portal Lights, you can update multiple Portal Lights at the same time.
From the list, select the Portal Light requiring an update.
From its profile, select the Wi-Fi Connectivity tab and enter its updated WiFi Settings > select Save.
WiFi Network SSID: this is case sensitive
WiFi User Name: only when applicable and required to connect to network.
WiFi Password: passphrase (network password); case sensitive
Wait for up to 5 minutes.
A Portal Light synchronizes with Kio Cloud to download the updated Wi-Fi network settings.
If after 5 minutes, the Portal Light LED indicator is not GREEN, refer to the articles below and verify the Portal Light network requirements are met to allow its connection to Kio Cloud and an NTP time source.
This method requires you to be onsite and have access to each of the Portal Lights requiring the Wi-Fi setting update. During this method, from the Kio Setup Manager app you complete the Portal Light Install steps that allow you to locally configure its updated Wi-Fi network settings. Once configured, the Portal Light connects to the network and its network settings are synchronized with Kio Cloud.
Your Kio Cloud username (email) and password.
Smartphone or tablet with an internet connection and Bluetooth is enabled/ON.
Kio Setup Manager app download on your smartphone or tablet.
To download the app, go to the App Store or Google Play. Search for Kio Setup Manager . Already have the app? Be sure you have the latest version.
This is a two step process that is required to be completed for each Portal Light requiring an update to its Wi-Fi network.
If you are updating a handful to hundreds of Portal Lights, you can update multiple Portal Lights at the same time.
Sign in to Kio Cloud > select Device Management 2.0 > select Infrastructure.
From the list, select the Portal Light by its unique ID - printed on the side of the device.
From its profile, select the Wi-Fi Connectivity tab and enter its updated WiFi Settings > select Save.
WiFi Network SSID: this is case sensitive
WiFi User Name: only when applicable and required to connect to network.
WiFi Password: passphrase (network password); case sensitive
Select Save Changes.
The Portal Light synchronizes with Kio Cloud during the next step to download updated Wi-Fi settings.
During this step, the Portal Light synchronizes with Kio Cloud to download its Wi-Fi network settings.
Must be completed at the Portal Light install location and the Wi-Fi network must be online.
Power on the Portal Light - plug into a standard grounded outlet.
From your mobile device, open the Kio Setup Manager app > tap Kio Cloud Account.
Bring your mobile device close to the Portal Light > tap Install Devices > Portal Light > Next.
Follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the app.
Have a problem with the app not finding a device, shows out of range and you are nearby, or it's not allowing you to perform an action?
From your mobile device, turn Bluetooth OFF and then ON again. Wait for the app to establish its connection to the Portal Light.
Once complete, verify the Portal Light's LED is GREEN.
If after 5 minutes, the Portal Light LED indicator is not GREEN, refer to the articles below and verify the Portal Light network requirements are met to allow its connection to Kio Cloud and an NTP time source.